ハワイの花 ハワイアン・レイ 他


ハワイの花の本、ハワイの植物、ハワイアンガーデン、ハワイアン・レイの本 他〜
(Hawaii's Flowers Hawaii Garden Hawaiian Lei )
ハワイアン プルメリアHawaiian Plumeria (大型本)
Hawaiian Plumeria
価格: ¥ 2,800
ハワイアン プルメリア Hawaiian Plumeria  ハワイのプリンセス」とも言える花、プルメリア。甘い香りと可愛らしい形に誰もが心惹かれます。そんなプルメリアファン待望の一冊がついに発売!51品種をハワイ撮り下ろしの美しいカラー写真で紹介。また、栽培方法も難しいとされる「水やり」は春から秋まで丁寧に紹介され、情報満載の貴重なガイドブックにもなっています。手に取れば、ハワイやプルメリアを知らずとも、あなたも甘い香りを感じることができるでしょう。
プルメリアの特徴 / 主な種属 / サイズと形状
ホワイト系 / イエロー系 / ピンク系 / レインボー系 / レッド系
苗木の選び方 / 土を作ろう植える時期  / 苗木を植える /
種を発芽させる水やり肥料の働き / 剪定 / 冬越し方法 /
害虫と病気 / 問題と対策
ハワイアン プルメリア
しあわせの花飾り―ハワイアン・レイメイキング (単行本)
価格: ¥ 1,575 (税込)
しあわせの花飾り―ハワイアン・レイメイキング 内容(「BOOK」データベースより)

著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)
ハワイ、花とキルトの散歩道 (地球の歩き方Books) (地球の歩き方BOOKS) (単行本)
藤原 小百合 (著)
価格: ¥ 1,575 (税込)
ハワイ、花とキルトの散歩道 (地球の歩き方Books) (地球の歩き方BOOKS) (単行本) Aloha~!
ホオマルヒア植物園/ワイキキ・ビーチ/クイーン・エマのサマーパレス/マノアの森/column ワイオリ・ティー・ルーム/アンのオリジナルハワイアンキルト
ビショップ・ミュージアム/ミッション・ハウス・ミュージアム&カワイアハオ教会/イオラニ・パレス/ワシントン・プレイス/column リリウオカラニ女王とクラウン・フラワー
◆2「花の世界へ モチーフ探しの旅」◆
ワイメア・バレー/ココ・クレーター植物園/column ちょっとロマンティックなサンディ・ビーチ/column いつでも、どこでも、カメラ片手に!/フォスター植物園/ワヒアワ植物園/リリウオカラニ植物園/ヘラルドL.ライアン樹木園/column ハワイ大学のタロパッチ/column ドール・プランテーション
パンチ・ボウル/ダイヤモンドヘッド・ルックアウト/カヴェヘヴェヘ/column アンのハートがいっぱい
◆Anne's Hawaiian Quilt Works◆
インテリア/小物/column コンテンポラリーな海のモチーフ/キルトデザインからの逆引き索引/ハワイ、キルトに関する書籍一覧/
著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)
藤原 小百合
ハワイ、花とキルトの散歩道 (地球の歩き方Books) (地球の歩き方BOOKS)
ナー・レイ・マカマエ 愛しのレイ (大型本)
マリー・A・マクドナルド (著), ポール・R・ワイシック (著), 丸子 あゆみ (翻訳)
価格: ¥7,500 (税込)
ナー・レイ・マカマエ 愛しのレイ あのレイの名著が日本語版で発売!
原書「Na Lei Makamae」
University of Hawai’i Press 刊



パラ、パラアー、パライ ……他
付録: レイに使われる植物名と異名
ナー・レイ・マカマエ 愛しのレイ
レイ・芝田満之 (ワールド・ムック―WPPピクチャー・マガジン・シリーズ
芝田 満之
価格: ¥ 2,000 (税込)
レイ・芝田満之 (ワールド・ムック―WPPピクチャー・マガジン・シリーズ 南の国に旅すると必ずといってよいほど目にするレイ。色鮮やかな南国の花々が織り成す色彩のコントラストの美しさと何とも言えず魅了する甘く芳しい香り。美しいレイとハワイの風景を収録した写真集。
レイ・芝田満之 (ワールド・ムック―WPPピクチャー・マガジン・シリーズ (430))
近藤 純夫 (著)
価格: ¥2,520 (税込)
ハワイアン・ガーデン―楽園ハワイの植物図鑑 出版社/著者からの内容紹介
自然に親しむ――それが新しいハワイ旅行のスタイルだ。手始めに花の名前を覚えてみよう。約400種の植物をハワイとの関わりを含めて写真で紹介。 各島の植物園情報も満載。
藤沢 セリカ
ハワイの花 常夏の島・ハワイには、世界中の熱帯植物のほとんどが集まっています。おなじみの花から絶滅の危機にある植物まで、ハワイの花と植物を多数紹介。花にまつわる歴史や伝説にも触れます。
ハワイアン蘭の世界  レイ
ハワイアンアレンジメント  ハワイの花と熱帯植物
世界・花の旅 ハワイの花―熱帯植物170種    JTBキャンブックス
柳 宗民 (著)
ハワイの花 多くの移住民の持ちこんだ植物によって、ハワイには世界中の熱帯植物が集まっている。植物園や街の中に伸び伸びと育ち花を溢れさせている植物を眺める時、この一冊をお供に。
ビーチの植物たち  世界・花の旅 ハワイの花 JTBキャンブックス
Flowers of Hawaii [DVD]

価格:¥3,675 (税込)
Flowers of Hawaii クムフラ(指導者)ノエラニ・チャンとカニラウメンバーによる解説とフラ、カニラウの音楽をバックにハワイに咲く数々の花の物語を紹介する映像作品。
Flowers of Hawaii

ハワイの花 Hawaiian Flowers (IMPORT)

A Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Flowers (IMPORT)
Douglas Peebles (著), Leland Miyano (著)
U.S. 定価: $8.95
ハワイの花 A Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Flowers
Flowers Of Hawaii (Hawaii Pocket Guides)
Kim Crinella (著), Mike Crinella (著), Wayne Thomas (著), Forest Starr (著)
U.S. 定価: $4.95
価格: ¥568 (税込)
Flowers Of Hawaii (Hawaii Pocket Guides) Flowers Of Hawaii (Hawaii Pocket Guides)
Plants Of Hawaii (Hawaii Pocket Guides)
Clyde Imada (著), Hiroshi Nakata (著), Gerald D. Carr (著)
U.S. 定価: $4.95
価格: ¥568 (税込)
Plants Of Hawaii (Hawaii Pocket Guides) Plants Of Hawaii (Hawaii Pocket Guides)
Sacred Hawaii Boxed Notecards: Seeds of Life 'ano'ano Aloha
Lani Yamasaki(著)
価格: ¥1,547 (税込)
Sacred Hawaii Boxed Notecards: Seeds of Life 'ano'ano Aloha Sacred Hawaii Boxed Notecards: Seeds of Life 'ano'ano Aloha
Ano' Ano' Aloha: The Seeds of Life
Lani Yamasaki(著)
価格: ¥4,134 (税込)
Ano' Ano' Aloha: The Seeds of Life Ano' Ano' Aloha: The Seeds of Life
Images of Hawaii's Flowers: A Pictorial Guide to the Aloha State's Flowering Plants
Loye Guthrie (著), John Mertus (著)
U.S. 定価: $7.95
ハワイの花 Images of Hawaii's Flowers: A Pictorial...
The Hawaii Garden: Tropical Exotics (Hawai'i Garden)
Horace Freestone Clay (著), James C. Hubbard (著)
U.S. 定価: $34.95
価格: ¥4,173
Hawaii Garden The Hawaii Garden: Tropical Exotics...
Orchids of Hawaii
Ted Green (著)
価格: ¥1,276 (税込)
Orchids of Hawaii Orchids of Hawaii
Growing Native Hawaiian Plants: A How-to Guide for the Gardener
Heidi Leianuenue Bornhorst (著)
価格: ¥1,481 (税込)
Growing Native Hawaiian Plants: A How-to Guide for the Gardener Growing Native Hawaiian Plants: A How-to Guide for the Gardener
Flowers of Hawaii Coloring Book
Wren (著)
価格: ¥576 (税込)
Flowers of Hawaii Coloring Book Book Description
Twentyeight of Hawaii's most popular and colorful flowers, including hibiscus, anthurium, and orchid.

Flowers of Hawaii Coloring Book
Plants and Flowers of Hawaii
S. H. Sohmer (著), R. Gustafson (著)
価格: ¥576 (税込)
Plants and Flowers of Hawaii Plants and Flowers of Hawaii
A Native Hawaiian Garden: How to Grow and Care for Island Plants
John L. Culliney (著), Bruce P. Koebele (著)
U.S. 定価: $24.95
価格: ¥2,367 (税込)
A Native Hawaiian Garden: How to Grow and Care for Island Plants A Native Hawaiian Garden has much to offer professional horticulturists, landscapers, and botanists, and gives reason to hope that more spaces around housing developments, shopping malls,and other commercial buildings will soon include native Hawaiian plants. But the book will prove especially valuable to those gardeners who wish to grow and nuttier something truly Hawaiian in their own backyards. Among the many rewards of growing natives, the authors make clear, is the opportunity to contribute your own experiences and findings to a vital preservation effort.
A Native Hawaiian Garden: How to Grow...
Hawaiian Gardens Are to Go to: A Treasury of Tropical Plants and Gardens
Clayton Oslund (著), Michele Oslund (著)
U.S. 定価: $19.95
定価: ¥2,382
価格: ¥2,097
HawaiianGarden Booksellers and readers rave about the success of Hawaiian Gardens are to Go to. Some of the comments we have received: "The book sells itself," "The book is a great success," "We have been waiting years for this kind of book," "The photography is superb," "There is nothing else like it on the market" and "Your book has enticed us to return to Hawaii for a visit." Customers buy the book as a souvenir, a gift for friends and as a tour guide to experience Hawaii in its natural beauty.   Hawaiian Gardens Are to Go to: A...
Hawaiian Heritage Plants (Latitude 20 Books (Hardcover))
Angela Kay Kepler (著)
U.S. 定価: $29.95
Hawaiian Hawaiian Heritage Plants (Latitude 20...
A Literary Lei: Flowers & Plants Of Hawaii
Jim Wageman (著), Virginia Wageman (著)
価格: ¥1,975 (税込)
A Literary Lei: Flowers & Plants Of Hawaii A Literary Lei: Flowers & Plants Of Hawaii
Trees of Hawai'I (Kolowalu Books (Paperback))
Angela Kay Kepler (著)
U.S. 定価: $12.95
円相当額: ¥1,509
Hawaiian Trees of Hawai'I (Kolowalu Books...
Mushrooms of Hawaii: An Identification Guide
Dennis E. Desjardin (著), Don E. Hemmes (著)
U.S. 定価: $39.95
価格: ¥3,825 (税込)
Mushrooms of Hawaii: An Identification Guide The newest addition to our well-known series of mushroom guides, MUSHROOMS OF HAWAII is a beautifully illustrated book filled with scenic photographs of Hawaii and detailed photographs of over 230 mushrooms species. An essential reference guide for the novice or advanced mycologist, this handy reference tool provides you with all the information you need to make your foraging a success, including chapters on mushroom identification, bountiful mushroom-hunting spots in Hawaii, and a guide to the seasonality of Hawaiian mushrooms. Whether hunting Copelandia cyanescens (“magic” mushrooms) in the pasture grasses high in the mountains of Maui or foraging for Laetiporus (chicken of the woods), one of the edible mushrooms found in Hawaii, this book is the must-have guide for fungophiles.
Mushrooms of Hawaii: An Identification Guide

Super Simple Guide to Creating Hawaiian Gardens: For Kamaaina and Malihini
Barbara Fahs (著)
価格: ¥1,859 (税込)
Super Simple Guide to Creating Hawaiian Gardens: For Kamaaina and Malihini Super Simple Guide to Creating Hawaiian Gardens: For Kamaaina and Malihini
Hawaian Lei  ハワイアン・レイ
ハワイアンリボンレイ 〔素敵なフラ・スタイル 手作りシリーズ〕 (ムック)

価格: ¥ 1,300 (税込)
ハワイアンリボンレイ 〔素敵なフラ・スタイル 手作りシリーズ〕 (ムック) 美しい花々を使って作るレイをリボンで表現したハワイアンリボンレイ。ハワイアン・カルチャーのひとつとして、今、注目を浴びている。
ハワイアンリボンレイ 〔素敵なフラ・スタイル 手作りシリーズ〕
 はじめて作るハワイアンリボンレイと小もの (単行本)

価格: ¥ 294 (税込)
はじめて作るハワイアンリボンレイと小もの (単行本) はじめて作るハワイアンリボンレイと小もの
リボンで作るハワイアンレイ (単行本)
Makiko Male Kimoto (著), 甘糟 ますみ (著)
価格: ¥ 980 (税込)
リボンで作るハワイアンレイ (単行本) リボンで作るハワイアンレイ
リボンレイの本 (単行本)
山本 貴子 (著)
価格: ¥1,575 (税込)
リボンレイの本 (単行本) 内容(「BOOK」データベースより)


Hawaiian Shell Lei Making: A Step by Step Guide
Laurie Shimizu Ide (著)
価格: ¥1,660 (税込)
Hawaiian Shell Lei Making: A Step by Step Guide Hawaiian Shell Lei Making: A Step by Step Guide
Na Lei Makamae: The Treasured Lei (A Latitude 20 Book)
Marie A. McDonald (著), Paul R. Weissich (著)
U.S. 定価: $55.01
価格: ¥6,569
LeiBook Lei are the very expression of traditional Hawaiian culture and were once an essential part of community and family life. They were fashioned as solemn offerings to powerful gods, as gifts to honor an important person or loved one, as tokens to mark a momentous occasion or event, and as adornments for dancers, who adhered to strict rules when selecting flowers and plants for hula. Following in the footsteps of Samuel Kamakau, Abraham Fornander, and others, the authors have collected here a wealth of written and oral information to reveal the significance of making and wearing lei and their role in Hawaiian ritual and dance. Na Lei Makamae: The Treasured Lei (A...
Hawaiian Lei Making Step-By-Step Guide: Step-By-Step Guide
Laurie Shimizu Ide (著), Laurie S. Ide (著)
U.S. 定価: $11.95
価格: ¥1,427
LeiBook IN HAWAI'I, SPECIAL occasions are accented by the giving and wearing of leis. Luckily, every occasion is special in Hawai`i and the Hawaiian lei has become a symbol of friendship, love, best wishes, welcome and farewell. The Hawaiian Lei Making Step-By-Step Guide takes you behind the scenes to see how leis are made.
From where to find a particular flower, to how best to store the finished lei, here is a complete photographic instruction guide and reference tool covering forty different lei making flowers, vines, fruits, leaves and cones. Beginners will discover a comprehensive background including the origin of the lei, lei customs, the leis of each of the Hawaiian islands, six different lei making methods, as well as easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. More experienced artisans will find a practical store of technical knowledge and various techniques.
Hawaiian Lei Making Step-By-Step Guide:...
Crochet Lei-making in Hawaii
Judy Dela Cruz (著)
価格: ¥1,159 (税込)
Crochet Lei-making in Hawaii Crochet Lei-making in Hawaii
Making Ribbon Leis and Other Gifts of Aloha
Coryn Tanaka (著), May Masaki (著), Lisa Kaneshiro (著)
U.S. 定価: $9.95
価格: ¥1,188
LeiBook Unlike flower leis, whose beauty fades, ribbon leis are never discarded, but become cherished keepsakes or gifts to pass on to others.
*Making Ribbon Leis and Other Gifts of Aloha is written for both beginning and experienced ribbon lei makers. Includes directions for making 17 leis, and teacher basic techniques you can use to make leis of your own design. All the information you need is here: supply lists, step-by-step instructions, with photographs, directions for making leis in a variety of styles and colors, tips for organizing supplies and correcting mistakes. As well, a marking gird. As a bonus the book includes instructions for making bows to adorn the leis, a beautiful money rose and a gift-bearing fairy.
       Making Ribbon Leis and Other Gifts of...
Ribbon Leis
Making Ribbon Leis 2: More Handmade Gifts Of Aloha
Coryn Tanaka (著), May Masaki (著)
U.S. 定価: $9.95
価格: ¥1,000 (税込)
Making Ribbon Leis 2: More Handmade Gifts Of Aloha Making Ribbon Leis 2: More Handmade Gifts Of Aloha
Making Eyelash Crochet Leis
Coryn Tanaka (著), May Masaki (著)
U.S. 定価: $9.95
価格: ¥1,000 (税込)
Making Eyelash Crochet Leis Making Eyelash Crochet Leis
Making Eyelash Crochet Leis 2
Coryn Tanaka (著), May Masaki (著)
U.S. 定価: $9.95
価格: ¥1,000 (税込)
Making Eyelash Crochet Leis 2 Making Eyelash Crochet Leis 2
A Pocket Guide to the Hawaiian Lei (Pocket Guide Series)
Ronn Ronck (著), Ray Wong (著)
U.S. 定価: $8.95
価格: ¥1,069
LeiBook       A Pocket Guide to the Hawaiian Lei...
Hawaiian Flower Lei Making (Kolowalu Book)
Adren J. Bird (著), Josephine Puninani Kanekoa Bird (著), J. Puninani Kanekoa Bird (著)
U.S. 定価: $19.95
価格: ¥2,226 (税込)        Hawaiian Flower Lei Making (Kolowalu...
Ka Lei: The Leis of Hawaii
Marie, A. McDonald (著), Roen McDonald (著)
価格: ¥3,582
LeiBook      Ka Lei: The Leis of Hawaii
Feather Lei As an Art
Mary L. Kekuewa (著)
U.S. 定価: $16.95
価格: ¥1,979
Feather Lei As an Art      Feather Lei As an Art
How to Weave Hawaiian Coconut Palm Fronds: A Step-by-step Guide
Jim Widess (著)
How to Weave Hawaiian Coconut Palm Fronds: A Step-by-step Guide How to Weave Hawaiian Coconut Palm Fronds: A Step-by-step Guide
Ni'Ihau Shell Leis (Kolowalu Books (Hardcover))
Linda Paik Moriarty (著)
U.S. 定価: $42.95
価格: ¥4,073 (税込)
      Ni'Ihau Shell Leis (Kolowalu Books...
Hawaii Birds Book ハワイの鳥の本
The Birdwatcher's Guide to Hawai'I (Kolowalu Books (Paperback))
Rick Soehren (著)
U.S. 定価: $18.95
価格: ¥1,814 (税込)
The Birdwatcher's Guide to Hawai'I (Kolowalu Books (Paperback)) This is the first site-specific birding book written especially for the casual or novice birder. It is a fully illustrated look at more than 60 top birding sites on O`ahu, Kaua`i, the Big Island, Maui, Moloka`i, and Lanai. Every spot described offers something special--forest-dwelling birds unique to Hawai`i, seabirds that rarely visit the shore, or introduced birds found in city parks and gardens.
Birds of greatest interest and those most likely to be seen at each site are given particular attention, with information on seasonal occurrences to help visitors plan their birding trips. Site descriptions note activities and nearby points of interest, detailed directions to the sites, and available facilities for visitors. Helpful occurrence tables show at a glance where common and uncommon birds can be found. General information on birding in Hawai`i, a description of the processes that led to extensive speciation, and a review of the threats against Hawaiian birdlife are included.
     The Birdwatcher's Guide to Hawai'I (Kolowalu Books (Paperback))
Hawaii Birds: An Introduction to Familiar Species (Pocket Naturalist)
James Kavanagh (著), Raymond Leung (著)
U.S. 定価: $5.95
価格: ¥670 (税込)
Hawaii Birds: An Introduction to Familiar Species (Pocket Naturalist) This guide highlights the main wildlife viewing areas and most visible species. Offering exceptional value and utility, it's map-sized, lightweight, and laminated for wear-resistance.
      Hawaii Birds: An Introduction to...
Common Birds Of Hawaii (Hawaii Pocket Guides)
Douglas H. Pratt (著), Hiroshi Nakata (著)
価格: ¥568 (税込)
Common Birds Of Hawaii (Hawaii Pocket Guides) Common Birds Of Hawaii (Hawaii Pocket Guides)
Hawaii's Birds
Hawaii Audubon Society (著)
価格: ¥558 (税込)   Hawaii's Birds
Hawaiian Fish
U.K. 定価: £12.95
価格: ¥2,948 (税込)
Hawaiian Fish Hawaiian Fish
The Hawaiian Oracle: Animal Spirit Guides from the Land of Light
Rima A., Ph.D. Morrell
価格: ¥ 2,388 (税込み)
The Hawaiian Oracle: Animal Spirit Guides from the Land of Light The Hawaiian Oracle: Animal Spirit Guides from the Land of Light
Hawaii Books



ハワイのホテル選び他〜B&B アコモ ハワイの花 Lei&Bird マウイ島(Maui)
ハワイの本新書 ハワイで出産 カウアイ島(Kauai)
ハワイでスポーツゴルフ、サーフィン、ダイビング ハワイ料理 ハワイ島(BigIsland)
ハワイ暮し アロハシャツ HAWAIIAN SHIRT ラナイ島(Lanai)
ハワイ留学 ハワイ語 モロカイ島(Molokai)
ハワイアン・ミュージック ハワイアンキルト ニイハウ島(Niihau)
ウクレレ HULA(フラ) INDEX
ディープハワイ エッセイ&ビジュアル、写真集 その他の 歴史・地理・旅行ガイド
ハワイの絵本 ハワイ関連雑誌 南太平洋考古学他
子連れハワイ HAWAIIAN BOOKS(洋書) HAWAII e-Books
Hawaii DVD Hawaiian CD's Hawaii POSTER

NewRelease HawaiiBooks

ハワイの本 All


RealHawaii Event・Info Hawaiian CD'S
